Buguenvií.lia или Caló dels Mais

Пляж Buguenvií.lia или Caló dels Malls находится в 6 км от города Пальма,расположен между бухтой Caló de ses Genes и национальной парусной школой Escola Nacional de Vela Calanova. Это протяжение прибрежной части муниципалитета Calviá , разделена на два различных зонах. На западной части есть песчаный район с мелкозернистым и золотым песком, а в восточной части…


Platja d’es Port

Platja des Port is situated at 13 kilometres from Campos and next to the village of Colònia de Sant Jordi, which is not anymore a centre of salt extraction, shelter for the fishers or meeting place for smugglers, but one of the most important touristic and residential areas of the island of Majorca since 1964.The…


Platja d’es Dolç

Пляж des Dolç расположен в 300 метрах от Colònia de Sant Jordi возле рыбацкого порта и пристани для яхт. Этот туристический и жилой поселок сохранил единственные эксплуатируемые соляные месторожденья на Майорке: s’Estany и sa Vall.Это прибрежная зона имеет белый мелкозернистый песок , с некоторыми скалами покрытыми водорослями . Дно песчаное, с камнями и водорослями .…


Estanys или Molí de s’Estany

Estanys, Raconada de s’Estany, es Molí de s’Estany o Platja des Marquès (these are the names or es Coto of this beach which belongs to Campos) is situated at seven kilometres from ses Salines, between Punta de sa Llova and des Tords. This part of the coast is the first one that belongs to the…


Es Dofí

Es Dofí is situated at six kilometres from ses Salines, between the beaches of es Dolç and es Carbó. The beach of this cove is characterized by the presence of sand and rocks, as well as other particularities of the southern majorcan coast, the presence of small islands in front of its coast. From es…


Platja d’es Carbó

Platja d’es Carbó is situated at 0,9 kilometres from Colònia de Sant Jordi, in front of the small island of na Molina, and it is the most visited unspoilt sandy area, although the visitors, mainly residents and tourists of this village, have to reach this beach on foot from Colònia de Sant Jordi or ses…


Can Curt

Es Can Curt is situated at six kilometres from Campos, between Punta de sa Galera and sa Roca des Caragol (excellent panoramic views). Between these geographical points we find the rocky area Penyalor de Can Curt and Illot Can Curt, lookout of the horizon.This coastal area of the southern extreme of Majorca is characterized by…


Cala Galiota

Cala Galiota is situated at six kilometres from ses Salines, and it is an urban beach with coarse-grained ochre sand with some rocks on the coast and on the ground.This piece of coastline of ses Salines is characterized by the fact that the visitors are mostly majorcan families, residents of the not too high buildings…


Cala en Tugores

Cala en Tugores is situated at seven kilometres from ses Salines, and it is the most southern beach of Mallorca, together with Platja d’es Caragol.This sandy area can only be reached on foot, this is why it is the beach which is less frequented between Colònia de Sant Jordi and Cap de ses Salines. There…
